Hello dear Amigurumi Knitting Lovers,Today we share a free amigurumi crochet pattern for you.
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Today, the new daily crochet pattern Amigurumi Anna The Bunny Free Crochet Pattern, I want to give you some information about this pattern;
Rnd Start with White yarn
1 MR 8sc (8)
2 8inc (16)
3 (sc, inc)x8 (16)
4-6 (3 rounds) 24sc (24)
Fasten off, leave a long tail for sewing.
Rnd Start with White yarn
1 MR 6sc (6)
2 6inc (12)
3 (sc, inc)x6 (18)
4 (sc, inc, sc)x6 (24)
5 12sc, [light pink/dark pink]: 2sc], 10sc (24)
6 11sc, [light pink/dark pink]: 4sc], 9sc (24)
(2 rounds) 10sc, [light pink/dark pink]: 6sc],
4sc, dec, 4sc, [light pink/dark pink]: dec, 4sc],
dec, 4sc, dec
10-17 (8 rounds) 9sc, [light pink/dark pink]: 5sc], 6sc (20)
Fasten off, leave a long tail for sewing.
Rnd Start with White yarn
1 MR 8sc (8)
2 8inc (16)
3 (sc, inc)x8 (24)
4 (3sc, inc)x6 (30)
5 30sc (30)
6 (2sc, inc, 2sc)x6 (36)
7 (5sc, inc)x6 (42)
8 (3sc, inc, 3sc)x6 (48)
9 (7sc, inc)x6 (54)
10-14 (5 rounds) 54sc (54)
15 (4sc, inc, 4sc)x6 (60)
16-22 (7 rounds) 60sc (60)
23 (4sc, dec, 4sc)x6 (54)
24 (7sc, dec)x6 (48)
25 (4sc, dec)x8 (40)
26 (3sc, dec)x8 (32)
27 (2sc, dec)x8 (24)
Fasten off.
Put 8mm eyes
between R14 and R15
with 7 stitches apart
Rnd Start with Yellow yarn
1 MR 8sc (8)
2 8inc (16)
3 inc, 4sc, 6inc, 4sc, inc (24)
4 (BLO) 24sc. Change to Red (24)
5 (FLO) 24sc (24)
6 24sc (24)
7 6sc, 6dec, 6sc (18)
8 6sc, 3dec, 6sc. Change to White (15)
9 (BLO) 15sc (15)
15sc. Change to Light Pink/Dark Pink (Make
light pink first!)
11 15sc (15)
12 (2sc, inc)x5. Change to White (20)
13-14 (2 rounds) 20sc (20)
15 Change to Beige: (BLO) 20sc (20)
Hem of the Pants
Turn the legs upside down, at the back of the legs, please attach the
Beige yarn to the front loops of the leg’s round 14:
([hdc, dc, hdc], 3sl)x5. Make a slip stitch to the first half double
crochet and fasten off.
[hdc, dc, hdc]: all 3 stitches in the same stitch
From the second leg, make 4 chains, join to
the 16th stitch of the first leg’s round 15 by 1
single crochet
20sc on the 1st leg, 4sc on the chain, 20sc on
the 2nd leg, 4sc on the chain
2 (7sc, inc)x6 (54)
3 (4sc, inc, 4sc)x6 (60)
4-5 (2 rounds) 60sc. Change to Dark Pink (60)
6-9 (4 rounds) 60sc (60)
10 (4sc, dec, 4sc)x6 (54)
11 54sc (54)
12 (7sc, dec)x6 (48)
13 48sc (48)
14 10sc, dec, 22sc, dec, 12sc (46)
15 10sc, dec, 21sc, dec, 11sc (44)
16 9sc, dec, 20sc, dec, 11sc (42)
17 8sc, dec, 20sc, dec, 10sc (40)
18 8sc, dec, 19sc, dec, 9sc (38)
19 8sc, dec, 17sc, dec, 9sc (36)
20-22 (3 rounds) 36sc (36)
23 (4sc, dec)x6 (30)
24 (3sc, dec)x6 (24)
25 (BLO) 24sc (24)
26 24sc (24)
Fasten off. Leave long tail of dark pink yarn for
sewing the head
Turn the body upside down, at the back of the body, please attach
the Light Pink yarn to the front loops of the body’s round 24:
1.Ch2, 24 dc-inc, sl (48)
2.Ch2, 48 dc-inc, sl (96)
3.Ch, 98sc, sl (96)
Make a slip stitch to the first 2 chains and fasten off
Rnd Start with Beige yarn
1 MR 6sc (6)
2 (sc, inc)x3 (9)
3-4 (2 rounds) 9sc (9)
5 (sc, dec)x3. Change to Light Pink (6)
6 6inc (12)
sc, inc, sc, [red: inc], sc, inc, sc, [yellow: inc],
(sc, inc)x2
2sc, inc, sc, [red: sc, inc], 2sc, inc, sc, [yellow:
sc, inc], 2sc, inc, 2sc, [pink: inc]
(3sc, inc)x2, 3sc, [pink: inc], 3sc, inc, 3sc, [red:
inc], 2sc, [pink: sc, inc]
3sc, [yellow: 2sc], 8sc, [pink: 2sc], 8sc, [red:
2sc], 5sc
3sc, [yellow: 2sc], 3sc, [pink: 2sc], 7sc, [red:
2sc], 11sc
(sc, dec)x2, sc, [pink: dec, sc], (dec, sc)x2, [red:
dec, sc], dec, (sc, dec)x3
13 16sc, [yellow: 2sc], 2sc (20)
14 (2sc, dec)x4, [yellow: 2sc], dec (15)
15 7sc, [pink: 2sc], 6sc (15)
16 (sc, dec)x2, sc, [pink: dec], (sc, dec)x2 (10)
17-20 (4 rounds) 10sc (10)
Do not stuff, flatten the arms.
Sew the arms along both sides of the body.